
cambiaMO | changing Mobility is a non-profit cooperative (SME), based in Madrid was founded in 2010 thanks to the meeting of junior and senior researchers working in European and regional research programmes, oriented to transport analysis, cost-benefit assessment tools and in user-driven social innovation through qualitative and quantitative approaches.


cambiaMO focuses on research-action and innovation on sustainable and inclusive mobility, including digital aspects, active modes, equity and empowerment of citizens in transport and travel behavioural processes. Its main objective is to foster and reinforce a new culture of mobility in the organizations it accompanies, through new narratives, innovative solutions and analytical approaches.


The members of the cooperative leaded and participated in projects within various European and regional research programs such as Cost Association, the EU Commission, the Spanish Research programs, the International Transport Forum of the OECD, the European Climate Change Foundation, and various local and regional authorities and institutions. cambiaMO works in rethinking mobility from new paradigms to break with transport inequities, unsustainable patterns, mode hierarchies, and to work towards socio-technical transitions. Combining a social dimension with the mastery of the technical aspects, cambiaMO work for equitable, gender balanced, and resilient mobility solutions.


Examples of key contributions include the MARES Madrid project (i.e. Urban Innovative Action), where cambiaMO identified new local transport services and supported several initiatives in active mobility of passengers, ITS and logistics sectors to scale-up their value and to develop innovative and market-ready business plans inside the sustainable mobility sector.


cambiaMO has gained expertise in the fields of Equity in Transport through:

gender, health and inclusion with the Communities learning by Practices within INDIMO and MaresMadrid, the Summer schools on equity and transport for graduated students within TEA Cost Action and on Modal balance: active modes, intermodality, public space with the workshops of co-design of the Public transport KPIs and the Cultural mediation and mentoring in Madrid Listens 2019 | Moving in the city and the training school for adults female and families for biking within the municipal project on Cycling promotion with a social perspective . In these fields, the cambiaMO team is working on projects that foster for a sustainable, inclusive and active mobility (primarily walking and cycling) for everyone specially for target-groups as Teens and elderly specially for empowering them by bike mobility (Cycling without age and 1 Bici+ program).


cambiaMO has prototyped initiatives of mobility related with care-givers for Prado-Media Lab within the Madrid Listens | Cultural mediation and mentoring in mobility. The key aspect of the adopted methodologies of the Communities of Practices, the codesign workshops, the training schools for empowering women through biking and the summer schools in transport equity and of activities is the empowering trainees in their competences in a more peer-to- peer oriented context. These, in turn, should make learning practices convenient, attractive, useful, and fully accepted by trainees and participants in the sense of new learning approaches.