University of Antwerp

The University of Antwerp is an internationally oriented research university with a student body of 20.000, whereof 16% are international students. It is characterised by its high standards in education, internationally competitive research and entrepreneurial approach. It offers 33 Bachelor, 57 Master, 25 Advanced Master and 27 Postgraduate degrees – all Bologna compliant – organised in 9 faculties and 18 institutes and centres. 24 programmes are entirely taught in English. Doctoral programmes are available in all faculties. The University of Antwerp boasts 9 Research Centres of Excellence and counts several internationally renowned research groups.


The University of Antwerp has extensive experience in the management of international cooperation projects both in research and education. It has participated successfully in all European educational programmes, both as coordinator and partner: Socrates/Lifelong learning (mobility, IPs, Curriculum development, Grundtvig, Lingua, Comenius), Leonardo, Tempus (MEDA/TACIS/CARDS countries), Asia-link, Alfa and Alban, Edulink, Erasmus Mundus Action 1, Erasmus Mundus Action 2, Jean Monnet (holder of different chairs), Tuning, EU/US Atlantis. Since 2009 the International Relations Office has coordinated 6 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 projects. It is also actively involved in several Erasmus+ projects. The longstanding managerial experience in mobility schemes and in European and international projects makes the University of Antwerp a reliable partner in international cooperation. The accreditations of the Faculty of Business and Economics  from AACSB and EPAS testify to the high quality of its education and research. Our highly valued cooperation with the Antwerp Management School also ensures a strong link with managers from the world of business.


It is our mission to shape new generations of competent graduates and academics developing into critical-thinking researchers, executives, entrepreneurs and policy makers, with an independent mind, ethical awareness and global mindset. We provide high-quality academic education and scientific research in management and economics, with a focus on sustainability and internationalisation.


We contribute to knowledge development by fostering fundamental as well as applied scientific research, with a strong link to the organisational world and to society. Our research community also disseminates their expertise to the business community and policy makers, leading to a societal impact. Academic research is carried out in 7 departments, to which we welcome international researchers and professors on a regular basis. They work closely together with the faculty personnel to create synergies between research and education.