Padlet CoP – Delft
Padlet CoP – Delft
Enhance the importance of incorporating sustainability into education and engineering practices.
2040 vs now: Address how the sector could look like 2040 after the transition and highlight the changes.
Opportunities: Highlight that the energy transition not only brings additional problems but also creates more opportunities.
Addressing climate change requires more than just technical solutions
Try to keep the courses itself mostly focused on the impact climate change has on transportation shipping and logistics, instead of climate change as a whole. Of course within this sector besides technical solutions, also policy changes are needed, so what policies exist to progress the energy transition should be explained.
The TU Delft attaches great value to openness. We are the front runner in the field of open education and science. TU Delft stimulates multidisciplinary team work between colleagues of different scientific disciplines and different university services. The TU Delft also intensively collaborates with other universities (e.g. Erasmus University Rotterdam and the University of Leiden) in the field of education and science. We work in diverse collaboration in the Netherlands, Europe and globally. Our scientists also collaborate widely with businesses and societal organisations.
The Department of Maritime and Transport Technology of the TU Delft has been involved in a long list of EU and National funded projects on the sustainability of shipping. Some recent and active projects are MAGPIE, READINESS, NOVIMOVE, NOVIMAR, NAVAIS, ISHY, SH2IPDRIVE, MENENS, AmmoniaDrive, AVATAR, Green Ship Recycling and TODDIS. Several of these projects also contain the development of learning activities (e.g. TODDIS is linked to the set-up of Minor on the same subject, NAVAIS and MAGPIE lead to specific module development). Furthermore TU Delft and especially the department is member of Resilient Delta, 4TU, LDE, TRANSPORTNet and WEGEMT, which are all cooperations with national and international partner universities with a focus on education.